our makers

Responsible Production

Our Certifications

Fairtrade certified

Our farm and factory are Fairtrade certified. This upholds fair production standards, practices, decent working conditions and ensures fair prices and pay to farmers and workers and ethical treatment to all. There is no child labour used.

GOTS certified

All our products are also Global Organic Textile Standard certified. GOTS is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria. Cotton is grown, processed and garments made according to strict ecological and toxicological guidelines - without use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and GMO seeds, which protects our makers.

Independently Audited

We do Third-party and independent audits of our suppliers on a yearly basis and visit the factories at least twice a month. We also support them through training and awareness programs for their continual improvement in social and ethical standards.

Our organic cotton farms are located in east of India in the region of Kalahandi, Odissa

and factories are located in the cities of Kolkata and Greater Noida.

We are proud to say that we are able to trace our supply chain fully, from cotton seed to Cottsbury HQ.